Change of generation at LUX ELEMENTS [22.01.24]

As of December 31st 2023, Thomas Lux will be resigning from his position as Managing Director of LUX ELEMENTS GmbH & Co. KG. Julia Lux is going to be his successor. The family business founded by Herbert Lux in 1945 will therefore be taken over by the third generation.

At the same time, Michel Lux will join the management team alongside Bianca Lux and Sebastian Sauer as authorised representative.
The new Managing Director Julia Lux joined the company back in 2016 and initially took on the position of Quality Management Officer. Prior to this position, she trained as a bank clerk and afterwards successfully completed a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration. Since she has been announced as authorised representative in 2019 she is responsible for Finance, Human Resources and Production.

Thomas Lux will no longer have a role in the company, but will be available to advise the new management team and support the succession process. 

He is very optimistic that it will be a smooth transition: „After 48 years of dedication, I am very happy and proud that my life's work will stay within the family."

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