Apatent application was made in 1981 for the earth shattering invention of "the original – LUX ELEMENTS® hard foam support ELEMENT".
The construction panel for walls and floors LUX ELEMENTS®-ELEMENT
Construction panel for underfloor heating LUX ELEMENTS®-FLOOR
The installation cladding LUX ELEMENTS®-TEC
Bath surrounds LUX ELEMENTS®-TOP
Point drainage LUX ELEMENTS TUB®
Linear drainage LUX ELEMENTS TUB-LINE®
Modular room constructions LUX ELEMENTS®-MODUL-ROOM
Individual room constructions LUX ELEMENTS®-CONCEPT
Individual relaxation and distraction LUX ELEMENTS®-RELAX
The decorative elements LUX ELEMENTS®-DECO
The tried and tested accessories are fully harmonised for processing ELEMENT. Specially developed adhesives and mortars, sealing tapes, mounting angles and plugs ensure problem-free processing.
Fastening set and dowels LUX ELEMENTS®-FIX
Technical fixtures, Heating, Lighting and Sound LUX ELEMENTS®-ADD
Sealing filler and sealing tapes LUX ELEMENTS®-DRY
Mounting aids LUX ELEMENTS MONT®
LUX ELEMENTS®-...-PLUS Individual, special manufacture for each product group
In addition to standard products, also individually tailored and specially manufactured products are available for the products groups listed under the designation ‘PLUS‘.
Sizes, shapes, thicknesses etc., that deviate from standard features can be inquired from LUX ELEMENTS. After successful verification of implementation possibility at LUX ELEMENTS an appropriate offer will be prepared. Once an order is placed, it will be manufactured and delivered accordingly.
Overview of All Issues
LUX ELEMENTS GmbH & CO KGAn der Schusterinsel 7D - 51379 Leverkusen-OpladenTelefon +49 (0) 21 71/ 72 12 - 0Telefax +49 (0) 21 71/ 72 12 20
In the menu on the left you will find all of the download categories for our products and their use.
If you should have any technical questions our Lux Elements Application Technology staff are at your disposal.
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The information in this website comply with the current state of knowledge. No legally binding information, we reserve the right to make technical changes. During application, the particular conditions of each case must be considered, particularly with regard to building physics, building technology and building regulations.